Mistakes to Avoid

There’s nothing worse than putting in a lot of effort only to see your entry be disqualified for a simple reason. Here are some of the common mistakes:

1. Using Too Many Words
Make sure you check your word count (check it twice if you are close to 25 words). If you are over, try to eliminate some words where possible. For example, try replacing it is with it’s. Often the work count for online entries is checked electronically, so the judges won’t even get a chance to look at your entry if it is over the word count.

2. Spelling Mistakes
This is another common mistake. Make sure your spelling and grammar are correct (Use a spell-checker if necessary). You may have only written 25 words, but just 1 small spelling mistake can make a huge difference to how your entry looks.
*Note – this is especially important if you mention the product or brand name. The promoter won't want to see their product name spelled incorrectly.

3. Not answering the whole question
Often the question will ask something like “Who would you take on your holiday if you win and why“. If you simply answer “My best friend”, but don’t explain why, your entry is unlikely to be chosen over another that answers the question in full.

4. Begging or trying to get sympathy
Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please…
Once in a blue moon this might work, but don’t rely on it.

5. Submitting the Same Entry Multiple Times (For the Same Competition)
Make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully. If the promoter does allow multiple entries, they will often stipulate that each individual entry must be unique (which is fair – imagining getting bombarded with 50 identical entries…now, imagine if every entrant did that!)
As you can see, most of these tips are common sense. The best advice is to put yourself in the promoter’s shoes and think about what you would expect if you were judging the entries.
